Hi All
I hope calving has gone smoothly for everyone and now for most mating is well underway.
The weather has certainly been varied up and down the country with extremes of conditions. Here in Canterbury, we were beginning to get very dry but fortunately, we had good rain about ten days ago, and even with the cooler temperatures, the grass has finally taken off. Other areas of NZ have certainly had too much rain which has proved challenging.
It was very pleasing to see that the four on-farm sales held by Murray Grey breeders were very successful with bulls selling throughout the country. Private sales have also been very good with the demand for bulls by the dairy industry still relatively strong.
The Canterbury A & P Association held a beef event on the 12th of November, replacing the usual show which was cancelled due to Covid 19. They also had a Youth event which was well supported.
Planning is underway to hold our cancelled 50 years MG anniversary and AGM. This will be in Christchurch around May 2021. More details will follow.
George Climo
On-Farm Sale Results: Average Prices
Mangaotea Farm
2 year Olds
Paradise Valley
Yearling Heifers
Top – $3,000
Yearling Bulls
Top – $3,000
Yearling Bulls
Top – $6,700
2 Year Old Bulls
Top – $6,200
Silver Fern
Yearling Bulls
Top – $3,000
2021 AGM
This is to be held in Christchurch hopefully in the middle of May. At our recent council meeting, ideas that came forward were to hold a national online sale and in conjunction with this have an auction on the night of the dinner. To be auctioned will be memorabilia, semen packages, drenches, etc. All proceeds for this will go to the Twisledon Fund. If any members have ideas for these events or would like to donate goods please contact Caitlin Brooks or George Climo. The Canterbury Club will be meeting soon to put together an itinerary for the AGM which will be circulated to members as soon as possible. Next year is also council elections so members please give some serious thought to putting yourself forward for nomination. The Murray Grey Society would not exist without members’ contributions and skills.
Entering Calf Returns Online
via Internet Solutions
Most Breeders will have a username and password to enable them to get into their online transactions. We can send a worksheet that pre-prints calves for weights or active cows for calf entries to anyone who enters data online.
After you have entered your password, go to:
Online transactions > Calf Entries, Create from a pre-built worksheet and the list of cows will come up. From there, you may untick animals you don’t want to record a calf against and then continue. Another list will come up. Click on each item number, then enter your calf details.
I have attached a Tip Sheet to help guide you. Call me if you need any help.
Good luck.
Linda Rule
Canterbury A & P Cattle Show Results
Murray Grey Section
Cow with calf at foot
3yrs and over
1st Waimak TWG Tass
Climo family
2nd Yorkvale Marigold 492
Caitlin Brooks

Yearling Heifer
1st Waimak TM Tracey 39
Caitlin Brooks
2nd Stonybrook Maddison 42
Caitlin Brooks
Bulls 2yrs and over
1st Bluegum Buster
Powell family

Champion Murray Grey
1st Waimak TWG Tass
Climo family
All Breeds Section
Cow with calf at foot 3yrs and over
3rd Yorkvale Marigold 492
Caitlin Brooks
Bulls 2yrs and over
3rd Bluegum Buster
Powell family
PBB Christmas Closing Dates
The office will close at
12:00 noon on 22 December 2020
and re-open at
8:00 am on 5 January 2021
Neogen Genomics Pricing
Due to the impact of Covid-19 we’ve had some adjustments in our genetic testing prices. If you have any questions regarding your DNA requirements, please contact Megan at PBB or email dna@pbbnz.com
Murray Grey Bundle
(recommended for used sires)
(if CA needs to be included)
50K SNP profile
Leptin test (explanation will be sent to the results)
Murray Grey Bundle + BVD
(if CA needs to be included)
As above with the addition of BVD add-on
50K SNP Profile
Murray Grey Bundle + BVD
SeekSire test
Parentage only
CA only
Murray Grey Bundle + BVD
BVD stand-alone test