NZ Murray Grey

June 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to our 2nd
Newsletter for 2024!
We hope that this finds all our
readers in fine fettle and that
everyone is coping with the
challenges that are always
part of our industry.
It’s still very dry in the top
half of the South Island while
in the south, it’s been cooler
than normal. In parts of the
North Island, it’s also very dry
while in other areas it’s been a
season of catch up from the
travails of last year.
It seems that calf sales for the
most part were better than
expected and as beef prices
are now starting to improve
those weaners will have been
a good buy when they are
ready to process.
Autumn bull sales are in full
progress and while there are
no Murray Grey sales on the
calendar at this time, most
breeds are reporting better
than expected sales and
clearances. With the
continuing rise in payments to
dairy farmers and the positive
beef outlook there has to be
some optimism for sales in the
spring. Fingers xed

March 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the first
Newsletter of 2024!!
Hope you all had a great
Christmas and got a chance to
relax! It is hard to believe we are
in the 3rd month of the year
already!. Dry conditions are
really starting to bite in places..
here is hoping we get some
respite soon!
Calf sales are starting around
the country as beef herds start
to wean. There is also no
shortage of female sales coming
up in the calendar – it is great to
see the emphasis on top cow
families in the beef world – and
the opportunities available to
those to wish to pursue them.
There has been some fantastic
promotion for the breed as of
late, and I know we have had
visitors to the stud recently who
have been very impressed with
what the Murray Grey cow can
achieve – wait until they taste
the end product!
Happy Autumn – Hope it rains
for you all soon!

December 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the
Third and Final
Newsletter of
We hope this final
Newsletter for the year finds
you all well.
Here in Canterbury we have
been blessed with enough
rain to keep things relatively
green – long may it continue!
Wherever you are in the
country, I hope that you have
a good summer and have a
chance to relax and unwind
before we hit 2024.
We have kept this Newsletter
relatively short and sweet
and it’s a busy time of year
for everyone!
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year!

September 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the first Newsletter of 2023!
Hope the weather has settled down at your place. It has been a very challenging season for most around NZ, our thoughts are with those that have been affected by the recent horrendous weather. Heres hoping this Winter and Spring are a kind one.
This is our first newsletter – and will be released each Quarter with the second issue due in September – make sure you contribute!

June 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the first Newsletter of 2023!
Hope the weather has settled down at your place. It has been a very challenging season for most around NZ, our thoughts are with those that have been affected by the recent horrendous weather. Heres hoping this Winter and Spring are a kind one.
This is our first newsletter – and will be released each Quarter with the second issue due in September – make sure you contribute!

April 2022 Newsletter

Hello to you all A warm welcome to our new members: Cat and Caleb Burkitt – Mid Kahui Road, RD 4 Opunake Hayden and Maria Fletcher – (H & M Pastoral Ltd) Culverden Philip and Elizabeth White – 1928 SH3, RD 17, Whanganui Annual General Meeting 2022 This is to be held in the Taranaki region on the 19th and 20th May. … Read more

August Newsletter

Hello to you all This is my first Presidents comment in a Society publication so I thought I should at least introduce myself to those of you reading this, who I have not met personally. Diane and I are very much part time farmers and have been so for 23 years of our 32 years … Read more

February 2021 Newsletter

Hi All I hope the new year is starting off well with your calves looking good as we near weaning time.  As usual the weather is dictating our daily farming practices, and here in Canterbury we are drying out significantly even though we are getting the odd shower of rain. The 2020 year ended rather … Read more

December 2020 Newsletter

Hi All I hope calving has gone smoothly for everyone and now for most mating is well underway. The weather has certainly been varied up and down the country with extremes of conditions.  Here in Canterbury, we were beginning to get very dry but fortunately, we had good rain about ten days ago, and even … Read more

August 2020 Newsletter

Hi Everybody I hope you are all getting through the winter okay, and those who have started calving, I hope everything is going smoothly. In Canterbury we have had a lot of dull days which are not enjoyed by either the people or the cattle.  We all thrive better in the sunshine. It was very … Read more